Long Range Locators (LRL) and Molecular Frequency Discriminators (MFD)

Frequently Asked Questions


People Interested in the Roman Rod also addressed many queries for LRL and MFD.

We asked the author of the book 'Secrets of Physical Radiesthesia' to answer the frequently asked questions.


 Why LRL and MFD cannot work properly?

LRL and MFD are active radiesthesy systems with electronic excitation, but their antennas (resonators) are made from a metal, different from the one you search.

Usually for making antennas is used copper, bronze or stainless steel.

Such a unit might resonate only with the metal from which the antenna is made.

Therefore, sometimes these devices have a strong reaction, but in most cases the reaction is very poor or absent.

On the other hand, operators do not work according to the methodology of gravity location and are outside of the time windows for gravitational resonance.

Operators mostly use LRL and MFD, as mental radiesthesy devices but alas they think that they achieve physical reaction…


 Is it possible to modify the MFD and LRL according to the principle of gravitational resonance?

LRL are difficult to modify because of the many variations thereof and firmly mounted in the body telescopic antennas.

MFD is possible to be easily modified by their owners.

For our club members who have MFD, we can send detailed manual with instructions for modifying.


 Can you work with MFD and LRL with the methodology of Roman Rod?

If MFD and LRL are not modified they can only serve as tools for mixed and mental Radiesthesia.

The same instruments after appropriate modification can achieve a gravitational resonance, i.e. they can have a purely physical reaction.

Modified MFD and LRL should be used only by the methods of the Roman Rod.

/Check the book 'Secrets of Physical Radiesthesia /The Roman Rod/'.


 Do we need to time out the time windows, when working with MFD and LRL for gravitational resonance?

When working with the modified devices to work in time windows for gravitational resonance is mandatory in order to achieve a physical reaction.

When working with the unmodified MFD and LRL, it is not necessary to work in the time windows for gravitational resonance so that to achieve mental reaction.

However, we have received positive feedback from mentalists who have achieved good results just in the windows at full moon, listed in the methodology for Roman Rod.


 Is it possible to achieve a stronger reaction with MFD and LRL than with Roman Rod?

No, this is not possible due to the fact that the electronic excitation is significantly poorer than the radioactive one.

In our instruction, we give the method of transforming the L shaped rods; and we also clarify how you can assemble a radioactive exciter.


 Can the modified device have a reaction to a residual radiation that was left in the area from an object that is no longer there?

No, it cannot. The modified device cannot locate nonexistent object, i.e. if the object is not really present there, there is no reaction.

If there is a reaction, it means there is a real object, as it was with the Roman Rod.


 When working with the modified device is there a chance to have problems with ghost objects?

No, there is not. When you work with such a device, you cannot locate such objects. You can only locate real objects.

If there is a deviation from the object it is a consequence of reduced horizontal component of the interaction, of the influence of Coriolis forces, or the influence of large gravitational anomalies in the field, or the influence of gravitational resonance conditions (time windows) and other gravitational influences as it was with the RR.

The deviation is usually within 10 meters and has nothing to do with ghost objects, which are seen when using mental of mixed radiesthesia.